Stock Cars are a full contact formula, (unless otherwise stated in a Non Contact Formula.)
This applies to all full contact formulas with the exception of BriSCA F1 Stock Cars and National Bangers / Bangers (All classes) which have separate rules.
To clarify the “follow in situation” any deliberate or avoidable contact with another car,
You cannot hit a parked car, or follow a car into the fence on the drivers side of the car, or hit a car that hard that you end up hitting it in the side as it hits the fence. If such an action is considered by the meeting Steward to not be within the spirit of the rules/racing to win, the offending Driver will be subject to an immediate suspension pending review, to determine whether or not it was done in malice or not. Fencing of a car can only be done by front bumper on back bumper. ( As expected in full contact Racing ).
To clarify for racing on shale sliding up the inside of another car is accepted in the spirit of the rules, is often unavoidable and is considered part of racing to win.